The narrative is about a young man who is driving down a road in a blizzard. He then sees a hitchhiker and decides to give him a lift. However, he turns the radio and finds that a resident at the local psychiatric ward, which is roughly 5 miles away from his current location, is extremely dangerous and has escaped. So the hitchhiker begins to get wary of what the man who has picked him up is thinking. The young man keeps staring at the hitchhiker suspiciously and at his glove department in his car. The tyres begin to squeal so the young man goes outside to check his wheel which was on the hitchhikers side leaving the door wide open; the hitchhiker opens the glove department out of curiosity to see what the young man kept looking at. As he opens it he sees the body of a nurse squashed and butchered into parts all stuffed into a confined space. He then looks outside but he doesn’t see the young man. He opens his door and tries to escape, but his door is stuck by the thick layer of ice. The hitchhiker slams the door shut and looks all the doors. He breathes heavily, while looking around through the windows as they build up with steam. He tries to drive off but the car wheels are swallowed by the ice on the road. He feels a slight chill of cool air on the back of his neck. He turns around, and he sees the young man take a blunt knife out. He mauls the hitchhiker to death, and places him in the back of the car. The young man then continues to drive off and turns the radio on again to hear further warnings of the man who escaped the psychiatric ward. He continues driving down the same road and sees a family whose car is trapped in ice and in need of help.
It is a Linear Narrative
There is an Enigma code is when we don’t know if the hitchhiker is the escaped man or not..
There is an Action code of the blunt knife being taken out by the young man.
The Villain is the young man.
The False hero is the young man who seems good as he tries to help the hitchhiker in the blizzard but really is bad.
The Protagonist is the young man.
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